aku bukannya seorg sastrawan atau pun penulis..apa yg ditulis ini hanya utk aku melafaz sbagai renungan bersama..disini aku ada satu persoalan untuk kita bersama..pd pendapat anda,adil ke kite sebagai makhluk yg diciptakan oleh tuhan untuk hidup di dunia ini?
pd saya adil dgn tidak adalah satu jwpan yg sama tetapi mempunyai maksud yg berbeda..Mengapa?Why i say like that?
adil hanya pd manusia yg mengenal erti kehidupan di dunia hanya sementara..waktu dan hayat yg diberikan perlu dihargai..dunia ini bukan tempat untuk kita nodai dgn sewenang2nya..adil juga hanya pada mrk yg mgakui kewujudan tuhan nya dan mengikuti suruhannya..adil juga pada golongan manusia yg dijadikan khalifah untuk menjaga seluruh ciptaan tuhannya,dan bukan sbgai khalifah yg mengambil kesempatan atas kemampuannya..
xadil untuk mrk yg telah diberikan kesenangan dah kemewahan tapi entah ke mana mrk belanjakan semua itu sedangkan masih ada lagi golongan yg lebih memerlukannya..mengapa tidak dipergunakn kelebihan itu membantu mrk2 yg lebih memerlukan..saat mrk yg kaya dan berharta bersuka ria,terdetik kah di hati mrk bgaimana keadaan golongan2 miskin pd ketika itu?pernahkah mrk brniat utk membantu golongan ini?bgaimana pula dgn mrk2 yg serba kekurangan dan yg ditindas..perlukan golongan2 ini dibiarkan?mengapa tidak ditolong,mengapa tidak dibantu sedangkan ramai manusia yg mampu di dunia ini..adakah rintihan golongan yg memerlukan ini tidak bermakna?ataupun golongan ini tidak dianggap sama seperti manusia?adakah mrk yg mampu ini malu jika mghulurkan bantuan pada golongan yg lebih rendah tahapnya atau mrk ini “kecut”?mrk sbnarnya takut untuk mghadapi akibat daripada pertolongan itu..
nukilan ini bukan aku tujukan pada sesiapa..just from a heart for me sharing to you..so think about it,which side we want to been as humans in this world..perlukah kita semua kaya ,tapi tidak menghulurkan sebarang bantuan kepada mrk yg memerlukan?kpd golongan2 yg miskin atau ditindas di luar sana,anggaplah ini satu cabaran daripada tuhan ketika di dunia..jgn anggap ia satu bebanan atau pun seksaan utk kita..tuhan sentiasa membantu pada manusia yg tabah dan redha mghadapi segalan cabaran ini..tetapi ingatlah pada akhir hayat nanti ,golongan2 yg miskin dan ditindas ini akan mendapat ganjaran yg berganda daripada tuhan yg maha berkuasa.
-gud nite
aku bukan hipokrit mahupun pengkritik
I ask myself..what is life?...why are we here....?
Life....is something we all have.....something...we have everyday....
We smile...we frown...
We hate...we love....
We hug...we shove...
We pray....we deny..
We cry...we laugh..
Everything is the same....but our personality isn't..that is what makes our life unique...we grow different...time doesn't change you...it's changes that take time..
Ingat!!! Be our self,don't be the other people want.
Life....is something we all have.....something...we have everyday....
We smile...we frown...
We hate...we love....
We hug...we shove...
We pray....we deny..
We cry...we laugh..
Everything is the same....but our personality isn't..that is what makes our life unique...we grow different...time doesn't change you...it's changes that take time..
Ingat!!! Be our self,don't be the other people want.
Erti Sebuah Kehidupan
Dalam hidup ni manusia xpernah dapat terlepas dalam melakukan kesilapan. Seperti aku juga, aku pernah melalui zaman kegelapan yang penuh onak duri .Hidup ni banyak mengajar aku baik buruk ,kaca permata and manis hempedu sebuah kehdupan. Tapi sebagai seorang manusia "kesilapan" itu bukan untuk selamanya, "You must got turn around , and tryinng to find the door to get out from there", ayat tu still aku ingat sampai sekarang. Now, I;m Free like a bird that out from cage ~ and thanks God coz still me show the right path to me.
I make mistakes, I know I'm not perfect. That's why I'm thankful for the true friends who stick by me knowing how I am. For the who new with me,thanks coz to be my friend. #SayangKawan2Aku
I thought I was only Single for the Night, until that Night turned into a Day, and the Day turned into a Week, and the Week turned into a Month, and Month into a Year. . . I just hope this Year don't turn into Forever.
Yesterday when I watching a movie,
I feel so excited :) and think bout it until I wondering if I had that kind , Relationship
Together with my own lover neither in happy or bad situation like in da movie, xOxO
But in reality, what I wanted like a day dreaming, xOxO
Coz I understand that in our life we are the one that will color our own ,xOxO
And choose the path for make it become beautiful as our effort try to make it become true,
I feel so excited :) and think bout it until I wondering if I had that kind , Relationship
Together with my own lover neither in happy or bad situation like in da movie, xOxO
But in reality, what I wanted like a day dreaming, xOxO
Coz I understand that in our life we are the one that will color our own ,xOxO
And choose the path for make it become beautiful as our effort try to make it become true,
My Intro
My name Syazwan Faiz @ aaauunnn @ I am "ME"
For those who not knowing bout me,this for you :
Calling me FAKE won't make you REAL,
Calling me DUMB won't make you SMART,
Calling me WEAK won't make you STRONG,
Calling me UGLY won't make you BEAUTIFUL,
Calling me MEAN won't make you NICE.
Calling me GAY won't make you STRAIGHT!
So why bother? Every insult you make is only hurting yourself.
For those who not knowing bout me,this for you :
Calling me FAKE won't make you REAL,
Calling me DUMB won't make you SMART,
Calling me WEAK won't make you STRONG,
Calling me UGLY won't make you BEAUTIFUL,
Calling me MEAN won't make you NICE.
Calling me GAY won't make you STRAIGHT!
So why bother? Every insult you make is only hurting yourself.
From Nur Atiqah Azemi :)
Siapa nama kaw ? Syazwan Faiz eh ? Nak bagitau ne . Aku sayang kaw :) Harap3 boleh berkawan lama dengan kaw . Jangan one day tiba3 lost contcat dengan aku k, sebab nanti aku rindu kaw . Nanti aku tak ada org nak teman aku maki-makian hihi . Nanti aku sedih tak ada org teman lagi, tau hnn kbye sayang kaw <3